Now to the beer - I enjoy the occasional beer from Shipyard. In Maine if you go to a wedding or conference you can almost always get Shipyard Export as an option. I rarely buy Shipyard beer but they have been advertising their new Monkey Fist IPA a lot, posting YouTube videos (link here) and really hyping this beer as something different. It is slightly different than other options from Shipyard but still only middle of the road in my opinion. Read more after the break
Pours a deep orange color with thin white head that leaves a fair amount of lacing on the glass. Aroma seems to have a bit of everything with grapefruit being the only standout; some spice, floral hops and a fair amount of malt. Taste follows with a decent amount of hops that are well balanced by the sweet malts. Like many other Shipyard beers there is just something different, I heard one person describe it as a buttery taste. Not sure that is it but there is something there that just seems a bit off. Overall this was an easy drinking IPA and better than most other options from Shipyard so I was not disappointed.
Pros: Easy drinking
Cons: Shipyard mouth feel/flavor
Alcohol Content: 6.9% ABV
Calories: ???
IBU (Bitterness): ??

Calories: ???
IBU (Bitterness): ??
Brewers Description: Shipyard Monkey Fist IPA is the genesis of a new generation of IPA. The traditional elements of classic English IPA have been redefined by American craft beer innovation. Like the image suggests, Monkey Fist is edgy, aggressive, and unique in style. This beer is brilliant copper in color and exploding with Warrior, Glacier and Cascade hop character but able to maintain a beautiful balance.
Monkey Fist: a knot tied at the end of a sailor's rope to serve as a weight and make it easier to throw.
Monkey Fist: a knot tied at the end of a sailor's rope to serve as a weight and make it easier to throw.
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