Saturday, May 12, 2012

232. Sixpoint Resin

This is my first beer from Sixpoint and it was a good place to start. They have a very uniquely styled can - very tall and thin sold in 4-pack boxes. They also have a very interesting website (see link below) including videos for their beers - Sixpoint Resin Video here. 

Beer pours a nice deep red color with impressive head that leaves a lot of lacing on the glass. Smells mostly of pine but some citrus and sweet malts. Taste is what I would expect from the aroma, pine hops, sweet malts and some grapefruit. Easy to drink for a 9.1% ABV beer. This will not be the last beer I drink by Sixpoint. 
Pros: Easy to drink - lots of flavor - well balanced
Alcohol Content: 9.1% ABV
Calories: ???
IBU (Bitterness): 103
Rating:  ★★★☆
Brewers Website: Sixpoint
Brewers Description: Whatever flames upon the night. Man's own resinous heart has fed. A beer that celebrates the extraction of hop resin for a concentrated yet balanced brew. 

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