Back on track today with another good beer from Magic Hat. This is their fall seasonal amber ale and I have to say it is one of the better amber/reds that I have reviewed. First thing you will notice is the very sweet almost candy smell coming from the glass. Beer pours a nice red color with minimal head that dissipates quickly. Taste is very smooth and leaves minimal aftertaste. As usual the bottle has great art work and the cap has the normal funny saying. This one was "Better living through alchemy" which I think I had on one of the previous reviews as well. Overall this is a very good amber ale and I would recommend you give it a try.
Pros: Sweet aroma, smooth to drink, color
Pros: Sweet aroma, smooth to drink, color
Cons: Seasonal
Alcohol Content: 5.4% ABVCalories: ???
IBU (Bitterness): 25

Brewers Website: Magic Hat
Brewers Description: A malty amber ale with hints of toffee and caramel and a slightly smoky finish.
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