This is the last of the Samuel Adams Imperial Series - see previous reviews for the other 3. The Imperial Series has high alcohol content and is brewed to be an extreme version of normal brews. This one has a great dark color, solid head that leaves a nice lace on the glass. Aroma is minimal but has some chocolate and coffee smells. Overall a quality beer with quite a kick at 10% ABV.
Pros: Color, smooth considering the ABV
Cons: Not for the average beer drinker
Alcohol Content: 10.0% ABVCalories: 348
IBU (Bitterness): 30

Brewers Website: Samuel Adams
Brewers Description: Samuel Adams Wee Heavy was inspired by both traditional Scotch ales and Scotch whiskies, for a combination of deep roasted flavor and earthy smoke character. Traditional Scottish ales vary in intensity with the strong ales known as Scotch Ale or “Wee Heavy”. To create our own version of the style we added peat smoked malt to bring the unique flavor of Scotland to this complex and satisfying brew.
Scottish brewers have been renowned for their strong Scotch Ales for centuries. Their characteristic taste comes from the large amount of highly roasted malts to flavor and sweeten the beer rather than using brewing sugars or crystal malt. Barley is a signature ingredient of Scotland as used in their whiskies and its character comes through in their beers. By contrast, hops cannot survive the short Scottish growing season and are thus only used in limited amounts for these beers.
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