It seems that all Shipyard beer have a very similar flavor. Not sure if they use the same hops across all styles of their beer but there seems to be a common flavor. I enjoy brown ales but this had to be one of my least favorite. Pours a dark brown as you would expect with a slight head that disappeared quickly. Aroma is OK but nothing special. Overall this was a disappointment which seems to be my experience with Shipyard beer.
Pros: Color
Cons: Lots of malt flavor
Alcohol Content: 5.4% ABVCalories: ???
IBU (Bitterness): ??

Brewers Website: Shipyard
Brewers Description: A full-bodied, dark brown ale made with 5 different malts and 3 varieties of hops. This bee has a nice, smokey taste up front and a smooth, full body finishing with a crisp hop bite at the back.
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