Friday, April 20, 2012

220. Stone Ruination IPA

The third beer from Ebenezer's Pub draft list and probably my favorite of the afternoon. Should not be a surprise as I really like the double IPAs. Pour is a nice light orange with single finger white head. Tons of aromas coming from this one; mostly hops - pine, tropical fruit and only a hint of sweet malts. Taste mirrors the smell with the sweet malts up front and then the hops kick in and do no stop. Loads of fruity hop flavors here and a nice dry finish which only makes you want more. Alcohol content is hidden well in the complexity of the beer. This one went down easy after lunch and left me feeling quite good. 
Pros: Loads of hop flavor
Alcohol Content: 7.7% ABV
Calories: ???
IBU (Bitterness): ??
Rating:  ★★★★☆
Brewers Website: Stone Brewing
Brewers Description: So called because of the "ruinous" effect on your palate! This massive hop monster has a wonderfully delicious and intensely bitter flavor on a refreshing malt base. One taste and you can easily see why we call this brew "a liquid poem to the glory of the hop!" Those who seek, crave and rejoice in beers with big, bold, bitter character will find true nirvana in Stone Ruination IPA!

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